I despise jogging, but I go because it is free. You do not need to have a gym membership. But, after 6 months of reducing weight and increasing endurance, I was eventually able to jog for 20 minutes straight, without stopping. I was rather pleased of myself. I haven’t been able to do that in 20 years, since high school. And I could do it very comfortably. I just became winded and fatigued in the last minute. That is all.
It is a big deal, hey. Congratulations. I’m not quite there with continuous running, but for me, it meant being able to run without feeling agony afterwards. I completed 5km (walking and running) in 40 minutes and felt fantastic. I used to play hockey and am hope to get back to it someday.
So I’ve come to adore it! The more I lose, the easier it becomes. I aim to run 5ks three times a week. My times vary, but my cousin, who runs marathons, says, “Distance first, speed later.”
It has done wonders for me. I have foot and knee difficulties. As a heavier person, any flare-ups would have an impact on my daily life. I started practicing martial arts, and it altered my life. Begin eating healthier and losing more weight. I entered a competition and realized what I was doing wasn’t enough. Started running at least three times a week. Any foot and knee aches that would hobble me for days would subside quickly. I’d just stretch and take a painkiller if I need it, and walk it off. So it has drastically changed my quality of life. Oh, and buy a massage gun.
AMAZING! What a great feat! That is the gift that keeps on giving, and you can only grow better from here! Excellent job! If you’re at 20 minutes, you could not be far from a 5k. You can find a fantastic one in your region with a large party afterwards (my favourite is the rock and roll series). It’s a good way to treat oneself.
Jogging for 20 minutes per day is fine. Make it 30 as you progress.
I run three days in a row and relax the fourth day.
Hydrate more, warm up before your run, and chill down afterwards.
During the first several months, prefer beneficial surfaces such as parks and lawns over roadways.
If you’re young, combine jogging and running.
20 minutes of jogging is more than enough for a normal person if you are willing to do it for the rest of your life. Those who recommend 45-50 minutes of jogging are foolish because not everyone is a jogger. I will choose 15 minutes of jogging every day over 50 minutes of jogging once a week (body is lazy and can’t keep up).
Jogging for 20 minutes a day can improve cardiovascular health and weight management. Listen to your body, and gradually raise the intensity to avoid harm. Before beginning any new fitness plan, consult with a healthcare expert. Visit my Quora profile for more fitness suggestions.
I can only tell that the 15 minutes you spend each day much exceed what about 95% of our population does. You go, boy or female!!!
Of course it is; it’s not like you’re doing sprints twice a day for an hour each. That would be an excellent approach to begin overtraining over the course of several years, but that is not relevant right now. It’s fine, but you should strive to push a little harder each time so you can keep progressing towards your goals, whether they’re leanness or endurance.