How many Calories Can I approximately Burn Doing Push Ups?

Hey everyone, I’m looking to add some bodyweight exercises to my workout routine, and push-ups seem like a great option. They don’t require any equipment and can be done anywhere. But besides building strength, I’m also curious about how many calories they can burn. Anyone have an idea on how many calories you can burn doing push-ups? I know it probably depends on different factors, but a ballpark figure would be awesome.

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Research shows that you can burn at least 7 calories per minute doing push-ups. So, if you do push-ups for 5 minutes at a moderate pace, you can burn about 28 calories. If you do them faster and get your heart pounding, you can burn up to 48 calories in the same time.

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Personally, I do some push-ups on my off gym days plus other exercises. But sadly I have never bothered to measure how many calories I burn daily.

@Oliver_james has explained about the average calories that can be burned during push-ups and I believe the figure is correct.