I am upset about my upper arm fat

I’ve lost 15 pounds, but my arms are refusing to look healthier. I handle heavy objects all day at work and have biceps, but when I put my arms at my sides, the flab and fat jut out, giving me the drumstick effect.I’ve lost all of my waist and buttocks, my thighs are almost the same as before, and my arms are identical. I won’t lie; I’m frustrated. Is there something I can do about it?

“Overweight” is a loaded phrase that only gives you part of the answer. What is your body fat percent? What’s your muscle percentage?

If you have fat arms, your body will store more fat there. That’s genetic. However, it is not unhealthy. Some folks have heavier extremities (arms and thighs), whereas others have fat bellies. Medically, the belly is a worse area to store body fat than the arms or legs.

If you wish to decrease arm fat, you should control your diet by reducing food calories. You can also burn extra calories through exercise. Weight bearing exercise will increase muscular growth. That is a nice thing.

You shouldn’t pass judgement on these things until you’ve been eating at maintenance for a few weeks. When you eat in a deficit, your muscles lose bulk, and your fatty deposits absorb fluids as part of the fat-burning process. Bodybuilders always dehydrate and carb load before going in front of the judges, and so should you.

You probably do not have “FAT” arms. You have flabby arms due to a lack of muscle tone. You simply need a good training routine to tone them up. I hope this helps.

My body type looks like this. I am 5’7" and weigh roughly 122 pounds. My waist is really thin and flat, and I have very little body fat. Regardless, my arms and shoulders appear big when compared to other (typically heavier) ladies, especially in photos. I don’t think there is anything that can be done about it. I normally dress to highlight my lower body’s leanness.

It is more likely that it is muscle; but, if you want to get rid of the (muscle?) you could do some arm-targeting exercises or lose some weight, although this is not encouraged.

I’m not a health care physician. I’m simply answering to the best of my ability.

If you undertake arm workouts while losing weight, you may notice better muscle tone because there is less fat hiding the muscle you are growing. Similarly, crunches will never give you “6 pack” abs until you lose the fat that covers your abdominal muscles.

Begin by strengthening your strength through weight exercise and consuming more lean protein. Do more heavy lower-body and full-body movements, such as squats and lunges. Always aim to increase the amount of weight you lift. You will not get huge and hefty if you do not use steroids.