Overcoming a food addiction can be exhausting

It’s exhausting but totally achievable; it requires a lot of control in the first few weeks, but then all of a sudden, all desires for unhealthy excessively processed junk food vanish.

If you’re trying to overcome a food addiction and wondering if it’ll always be as difficult as you think it would be, the answer is no. It’s just like that at first, but it becomes easier as the weeks pass.

First, learn what foods are high in carbs. These include sugar and sweets, refined flour used in pasta, bread and other dough, starchy foods including potatoes, corn and beans, fruits and juices, alcoholic beverages, cereals and rice. If you are unsure, check it. Some food like nuts have carbs, but they are mitigated by the high amounts of protein and fiber they contain. Further, complex carbs such as those found naturally in potatoes, rice, beans and other vegetables and fruit, are far better than those processed into sweets, bread, pasta and other dough. Eating an orange is not too bad, but a glass of juice may have five or six oranges worth of sugar, especially bad for breakfast as it spikes blood sugar levels, causing the pancreas to produce insulin. Over time this destroys the immune system and the pancreas shuts down, a condition known as diabetes. This is a simplistic overview.

Reduce your intake of processed carbs to a minimum, and instead focus on full, complex carbohydrates. I will explain what I mean.

Not all carbohydrates are equal. Sugar, white bread, white pasta, white rice, sugary drinks, sugary food additives, candies, cookies, low-cost chocolate bars, and so on are examples of processed carbohydrates.

Yes, I think it is possible to grow addicted to eating. A friend of mine says that she can’t stop eating since she never gets full. I know there’s a disorder that causes this, but she hasn’t received a good response from her doctor.

Food addiction could also refer to a dugar addiction, in which people are addicted to sugar in foods. I’m aware that since quitting alcohol, I’ve developed an addiction to sweets and cakes (although this has subsided when I began including more fruit into my diet). My counsellor suggested that I replace sweets for the sugar in booze. In which case, I’m better off eating sweets than overindulging in alcohol (which was negatively damaging

You’ve already completed 50 percent of the job.

You used the phrase “addicted to food.”

Most people never accept this concept.

They just do not recognise the short-term danger in their activities.

They witness the weight gain but deny that their addiction will eventually kill them.

First, we must distinguish food from medicines. As the renowned Dr. Robert Lustig has finally stated, “Sugar is a toxin.” It’s not a food. And in my opinion, flour, or anything reduced to a white powder, can be an addictive substance.

Yes, Overeaters Anonymous meetings are a terrific opportunity to meet new people while also learning how to regulate your eating habits using the 12 steps. Drinking water to feel full in between meals 5 to 6 times a day. Carbs make us seek unhealthy foods, so portion control is important. It’s a spiritual, mental, and physical addiction, therefore surround yourself with a God of some kind and divert your thoughts and cravings with behaviours that work for you. I just quit smoking cigarettes and I am utilising protein drinks as a meal or two and chewing sugar-free gum… and have a disease called dumping syndrome, so I get pretty unwell when I do eat carbs…cause I go all in…all the ice cream not a bowl hahaha then struggle

Overeaters Anonymous is a highly useful organisation if you believe your food-related behaviours are addictive.

The process involves hearing from others who have successfully stopped the self-destructive cycle. It involves accepting the futility of fighting the urges and obsessive thoughts on your own and joining a support network that believes you can get through any 24-hour day, regardless of your thoughts or feelings…

The “one day at a time” mentality allows us to avoid becoming overwhelmed while also learning simple activities that help us form new habits and perceive things from a different perspective.