Treadmill weight loss?

I recently started exercising again and have been mainly using the treadmill. I had hoped to take on the 2 12 30 challenge, but it’s currently too difficult for me, so I’m gradually working my way up. However, I’m wondering if there are any other beneficial habits I could incorporate, preferably while walking. I’m a 20-year-old female, standing at 5’6". I’m unsure if this information is relevant, but I’m concerned that losing weight primarily through cardio might result in loose skin. If that’s the case, what can be done to prevent it?


Our initial weight and height are comparable. I advise you to begin with a simple, less strenuous exercise regimen. Due to your increased weight, even little exercise burns a significant amount of calories. Fitness is not a one-size-fits-all thing. Think about walking, cardiovascular equipment, or hand-only workouts like zumba. You are even able to lift weights. Concentrate on easy exercises you love and can envision yourself performing five days a week. You may start experimenting with intensity once you’ve established a pattern and become acclimated. The fact that you may readily consume 1,000 calories but not quickly burn 1,000 calories makes calorie counting crucial. Unless you are genetically predisposed to it, I doubt you will need to reduce weight.

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Simply walk in any location you choose for as long as you can. It is not really important which way you travel, how fast you go, how long you go, etc. What counts is how much you keep becoming better over time.

Thus, you begin with any setting you can handle. Repeat it a few times, and the formerly challenging task will become less challenging. The following time, when it’s easier, you can walk farther, faster, or at a steeper angle.

As your previous Personal best (PB) gets easier and more commonplace, you just keep moving forward and increasing the difficulty in some way.

Since you’re this concerned, maybe you should try the ‘Kitchen’ method; intermittent fasting alongside a meal plan. I really believe diets play a very important role with regards to weight loss. Most successful weight loss journeys have greatly involved the kitchen. Control or regulate what and when you eat and only use the gym to sculpt your body. I hope this makes sense.