What are the most full yet low-calorie foods?

The question above includes both snacks and meals. I’m following CICO but am discovering that I may be eating too little at meals (I have no idea what I should be aiming for, but for context, I’m 31, female, obese, and mostly sedentary but working on walking and body weight exercise), eating less fibrous foods, and waiting too long between meals, which causes me to binge. I realise I’m answering my own questions, but I’m having trouble preparing food for myself during the day that will actually keep me going without consuming too many calories.
I’ve been overeating for a long time, and I struggle when I try to eat 500-1000 calories less at once. I want to let my body to adjust to smaller portions while simultaneously filling up on lower-calorie foods. I can manage with a little hungry from time to time, but I’m cautious of making poor decisions if I wait too long.

If I don’t actively plan for success, my lack of planning will eventually lead to disappointment.

Every day, I buy and store protein and fiber-rich foods in my kitchen, as well as bring them with me for lunches and snacks.

-Chicken breast cut into 1-2 oz strips (sprayed with olive oil, salt & pepper, and herbs) and baked. They’re also easier to divide out and track calories.

  • Vegetables, cooked or raw- I prefer broccoli, zucchini and jicama because they are dense, filling and low in calories; having it already cut, cooked or cleaned and ready to snack on or add to a meal is vital for me to combat hunger.

I second cottage cheese as a wonderful snack. 150g of the variety I buy contains roughly 20g of protein and approximately 100 kcal. It’s a touch bland when eaten straight, so I add a little habanero sauce for a bite and extra flavour.

Another vote for potatoes! Very high on the satiety index. I often eat a hot plain baked potato with cottage cheese and chives for lunch, which keeps me full all afternoon.

Potatoes, Greek yoghurt, and all the vegetables, particularly broccoli and cauliflower. Butternut squash. And beans, all beans.

For me, high protein foods keep me fuller for longer. My go-tos include chicken breast, tuna, fat-free cottage cheese and Greek yoghurt, as well as a high-quality no-added whey powder. Then I fill the remaining calories from each meal with vegetables, whole grains, and so on. I attempt to get 30-40% of my total calories from protein, and it has made a tremendous difference in my hunger levels.