Are there adult "fat camps"?

When I was in the psych institution for a few months a few years ago, I dropped from 185 to 115 pounds (I’m a 5’3 male) and am currently at my heaviest weight of 220 pounds. I discovered that the mild discipline in the hospital helped me eat less, and because there was no access to junk food, I lost a significant amount of weight. I struggle with discipline and life structure as a result of what I was diagnosed with, and the weight gain side effect of my medicine doesn’t help.
I believe that if I regained my discipline and removed myself from bad foods, I could lose weight, and once the weight is lost, I can hopefully stay on track and use what I’ve learnt in my home. I saw satirical episodes of South Park and Family Guy about “fat camp” and searched it up, but they only had it for kids and teenagers. Is there a fat camp for adults or anything similar?

Oh man, Hilton Head. That’s a tough one, knowing you’re only a half hour from Savannah. One of the top restaurants on the east coast.

Man, that city is awesome. Easily one of the most European cities in the United States. Because it is so old compared to everything else.

Sorry for the random digression lol. Just revisiting pleasant food memories. But all that walking made it a simple indulgence!

If you have the money, you can engage a trainer/nutritionist to design an exercise and eating plan for you. It’s probably less expensive than a campsite.

Travel is another option (which can still be costly, but is less so). Find a location known for its excellent walking tours but not for its food, and go for a stroll to see the sites and meet lovely people. I always lose a lot of weight when I am away from my fridge.

Instead of going to a fat camp, I recommend that you employ a nutritionist who accepts insurance. I will admit that I haven’t met with my yet; our first meeting is this Friday. However, she focusses on people who have an unhealthy relationship with food. 2.) They need to adjust their diet for health reasons.

There’s nothing wrong with discipline and order, but don’t overlook the fun things in life, such as friends, family, pets, hobbies, going out, and exercise. Plan your meals so they are healthful, enjoyable, nutritious, and meet your CICO targets. Throw in some exercise - it doesn’t matter what, just start moving. Schedule it around your job and domestic obligations, and make time for pleasant activities. And you’ve got a fat camp. But it’s cheaper and probably superior. And it only cost a pad and a ballpoint pen.

The difficulty, as you presumably learnt once you left the psych institution, is that as soon as you have access to food, you revert to your old habits. The only way to lose and keep weight off is to figure out how to accomplish it in your everyday life.

You might set up your own “fat camp” at home. You might prepare all your meals ahead of time.