As the headline suggests, what is your average day of eating like if you have cut out sugar?
I’ve seen a lot of individuals remark that reducing sugar was the best thing they ever did because it helped them lose so much weight. I feel like I don’t eat much sugar. I am aware of avoiding anything with extra sugar, but I am not losing any weight.
It would be fantastic if someone could share what they eat during the day to offer me some insight into what I might be doing wrong; perhaps I am not eating enough?
Breakfast consisted of eggs and vegetables. Lunch will be homemade soup or stew. Dinner will consist of a large salad with chicken. Snack options include almonds (in moderation) and fruit. I don’t believe in cutting up fresh fruit. I drink coffee with a small amount of milk and no sugar. The rest of the day, I drink either water or seltzer.
However, weight loss is primarily determined by how much you eat. If you’re not losing weight, you’ll have to consume less overall.
Cutting out sugar is a terrific first step, but it’s also important to consider overall calorie consumption and nutritional balance. You may try documenting your meals for a few days to check if you’re meeting your energy requirements or missing anything!
I was able to gain 5 pounds on a sugar-free diet after having surgery that a. caused me to lose far too much weight and b. made it extremely unsafe to consume sugar.
Because weight is measured in calories, not sugar.
I miss sugar.
However, I feel well without it, and I consume plenty of nutritious food, so
If you want to avoid sugar, simply eat regular meals (vegetables, meat, rice/potato/pasta; sandwiches; omelettes; anything) and avoid dessert. Simple approach. If you want to be particularly stringent, look for added sugar in sauces and breads.
Avoid processed foods and highly palatable “junk” foods, not “sugar.” Be careful of added sugars in foods and consume them in moderation, all while keeping a CLOSE eye on your calorie intake and consuming complete foods such as fruits to satisfy sugar cravings.
I stopped eating anything processed the last week of July and lost 48 pounds on a strict calorie deficit. I’m doing a lot more than this, but I can absolutely say that my new dietary lifestyle is the driving cause behind my achievement.
You don’t have to give up sugar to lose weight. Simply reduce your calorie intake. Even if cutting down on sugar is certainly beneficial, you do not need to CUT IT OUT simply because you saw someone.
Please include more information about your diet in the DM so that I can assist you further.
It is quite difficult to cut it out totally. Reducing one’s intake is significantly simpler.
The simplest change for me was swapping out soda and high-sugar energy drinks for franchise coffee beverages.
Ice Sparkling Drinks offer me the same dopamine rush that soda did. Furthermore, making your own coffee allows you to control the amount of sweetness added. Energy drinks like Reign or Jocko Go are sugar-free but delicious.
In terms of nutrition, prioritise protein and reduce carbohydrate intake. My usual day consists of chicken, tuna, cheese, protein bars, burger meat, mushrooms, sweet peas, and yoghurt. Mix it up and discover complementary sauces or seasonings to suit your taste.
Unless you have a medical condition that requires you to be extremely cautious around sugar, you can avoid it by eating only whole foods and limiting fruit and anything else that may elevate your blood sugar. Now, if you don’t need to cut off sugar but “nutrition influencers” tell you that you should, it’s a yes and no. Losing weight is all about calorie deficit, and restricting or eliminating sugar can help with weight loss, especially given how much added sugar is in every highly processed product.