Hi there,
I am curious whether anyone has lost weight successfully on this kind of diet. Not an extremely low-carb or low-fat diet, but making decisions to reduce both.
When considering protein sources, consider eggs, lean ground beef, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, tuna fish, tofu, and chicken breasts.
Any number of non-starchy vegetables. Imagine a ton of salads with rainbow colors and veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, and Brussels sprouts.
low-fat dressings made using low-fat yogurt, herbs, balsamic vinegar, and lemon or lime
When considering fruit, consider blueberries, strawberries, avocados, lemons, and limes, and sometimes apples.
To feel great and maintain strong muscles, you need to focus on finding an energy balance. In the long run, the health of your muscles will influence your body weight. While short-term weight loss is possible, many people end up regaining the weight and then some. Rather than stressing about weight, concentrate on getting stronger. It took me years of gaining and losing to realize this, during which I often felt terrible. Strong, healthy muscles (not necessarily large; your size is limited by your genetics) are the most underrated tool for weight loss.
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When you mention “low,” how low are you referring to? I follow a similar approach to what you’re describing, and it works incredibly well for me. Since I enjoy both weight training and cardio, I opt for moderate carbs and focus on a lower fat diet. My protein intake ranges from 150g to 180g, fat intake is around 60g to 75g, and the remaining calories come from carbs. Whether you choose a low-carb or low-fat diet depends on what suits you, your lifestyle, and your digestive system. However, I wouldn’t recommend going below 50g of fat, as it’s important to get enough of that macronutrient. Going too low can be counterproductive.