In short, I used to weigh 125 lbs, but over the past three years, I have gained up to 180 lbs without significant changes to my eating habits or physical activity.
After having COVID, my body changed for the worse: my period became irregular, I grew hair on my chin, developed food sensitivities, severe stretch marks, fatty liver, and experienced serious mood swings. The doctor checked for PCOS, but it was negative.
I had an inbody fat percentage scan about two years ago when I was 152 lbs, showing I had about 48% body fat and a very low basal metabolic rate of 1100 calories. Now, at 180 lbs, I’m unsure of my current status.
I usually eat two meals a day: breakfast is two hard-boiled eggs, a piece of bread with cream spread (about 100 calories), and lunch/dinner is protein with 1/2 cup of cooked rice or bread. I snack on a bar of chocolate.
I used to eat much more without gaining weight and regularly fast for 12-14 hours. Despite taking Berberine, I keep gaining weight. It feels like the more I restrict food, the more weight I gain.
The doctor could not figure out what was wrong and just prescribed a lot of antidepressants.