Why am i gaining weight while working out

What am i not doing right?

Hey people!

I started doing beginner-friendly bodyweight workouts at the end of June this year to get stronger, healthier, and fit. Initially, I was 105 lbs, but now, after about 2 months, my weight has increased to 112 lbs. I’m really puzzled about what could be causing this sudden change. Before starting my workouts, my weight had been stable for the past 4 years, so this fluctuation is concerning and demotivating.

Here are some other relevant details about me:

  • My diet has remained consistent before and after starting workouts, with no major changes in calorie intake.
  • I take daily 30-40 minute walks in the evening and stay quite active.
  • My workouts are typically 45-50 minutes long, 5 days a week, following beginner-friendly YouTube programs like MadFit and Lilly Sabri.
  • I prefer working out on an empty stomach at 7:30 am and have had no issues with this routine.
  • Since starting workouts, I’ve been drinking over 2 liters of water daily and stay well-hydrated, both during and around my workout times. Before, my water intake was around 1.7 to 1.8 liters daily.
  • I consistently get 7 hours of sleep each night, which has been my norm for the past few years.
  • No significant stressful events have occurred in my life since starting workouts; if anything, exercising has helped reduce my stress levels.

I’ve read about water retention possibly causing this weight gain, but I expected it to stabilize within a month and not cause a 7 lb increase.

Any advice or insights you can offer would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much!

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Others are probably correct about water retention and increasing muscle mass. However, you are unlikely to gain 7 pounds of muscle in two months; most of it must be water.

I notice you completed your study, which is wonderful. This is the most extensive inquiry with the most background that I have seen on this topic.

I recommend obtaining measurements in order to conduct subsequent experiments. It is natural for your weight to rise when you begin exercising. At the same time, your waist measurement may have decreased or remained unchanged. I recommend taking measurements for a few weeks and going from there. Then you will know exactly what is going on.

In any case, with all of the information supplied - similar calorie intake, sleep, etc. - do not worry about anything; just keep going:)